All our products are geared towards sustainability, for wear and use without any expiration, so that our customers can feel good about every MaryJane purchase. We want you to buy fewer and better, doing what we can to lessen each and everyone's carbon footprint.
We are a small business. We are independently owned. And we only work with other small businesses, just like us. When you buy from MaryJane, you're supporting many different small businesses in our supply line, ones who employ locally, with many living in small towns in the US and the Philippines, and whose livelihoods are dependent upon for their families.
A simple goal we've set as our guideline, we make only what we would wear or use ourselves. We aim for quality. We believe in simplicity. And most of all, we encourage longevity.
Our MaryJane motto: NEVER TRENDY, ONLY INSTANT CLASSICS. We've believed this since our launch in 2010 and we remain committed to this today.
A customer recently wrote to us after finding us online years later:
"I was going through a box today and came across a set of matches you gave me with your website. I met you at an event in Oakland that Oaksterdam had back in 2010 and I bought a sweatshirt which I still ALWAYS wear even 10 years later. I love your brand! So glad I found that matchbook and that you are still in business!"
Getting confirmation from our customers that they love and continue to use our products lets us know that we're doing something right. Our passion for quality and being sustainable fuels everything we do and we love when customers get it and get us! So a sincere thank you goes out to all our loyal customers throughout the years.
Peace. Love. Light.